Migration-sensitive health-system planning to support implementation of the African union’s migration policy framework

Health is a cross-cutting issue within the African Union’s Revised Migration Policy Framework for Africa and Plan of Action (2018–2030) (MPFA). As well, migration is recognized as being key to development, benefiting not only those who move but also countries of origin and of destination. However, for these benefits to be achieved, migration must be managed in ways that will maintain the health of migrants. To address this, migration-sensitive responses to health are needed, whereby population mobility is embedded in the design of health-related interventions, policy and research, with health benefits addresseed at both the individual and population levels. Unfortunately, health systems across the continent have largely failed to engage with the realities of migration, jeopardizing efforts to effectively implement African Union policies addressing migration and health, whilst simultaneously limiting progress towards international health and development goals, including universal health coverage (UHC). In this context, this chapter outlines two key areas for action to support the development and implementation of effective responses to migration and health: improving governance responses to migration and health; and addressing the social and structural determinants of health. Recommendations include establishing continental and subregional forums to strengthen migration and health governance in ways that are responsive to existing strategic plans, including the MPFA.

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