
image of Acknowledgements

The Review of Maritime Transport 2021 was prepared by UNCTAD under the overall guidance of Shamika N. Sirimanne, Director of the Division on Technology and Logistics of UNCTAD, and under the coordination of Jan Hoffmann, Head of the Trade Logistics Branch, Division on Technology and Logistics. Regina Asariotis, Gonzalo Ayala, Mark Assaf, Celine Bacrot, Hassiba Benamara, Dominique Chantrel, Amélie Cournoyer, Marco Fugazza, Poul Hansen, Jan Hoffmann, Tomasz Kulaga, Anila Premti, Luisa Rodríguez, Benny Salo, Kamal Tahiri, Hidenobu Tokuda, Pamela Ugaz and Frida Youssef were contributing authors.

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