Inclusion of questions and conceptual adjustments in the 2020 census round

During the intercensal periods, countries usually work on revising the content of the census questionnaires. They evaluate and analyse the questions contained in previous censuses, as well as historical questions and those included as innovations in the most recent edition. As a result of the evaluation, they propose to keep —possibly with some adjustments— the questions that worked well and to exclude those that did not. Work is also done on the conceptual innovations that need to be incorporated as a result of new developments, such as disability, ethnicity, gender identity and access to and use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). As a result of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and its impact on population dynamics, this exercise has been expanded as countries have found it necessary to consider the need to adapt certain traditional questions. This is because the pandemic may have altered age- and gender-related trends and structures, such as mortality, fertility and migration; and it may have caused other changes such as household composition, affecting customs, or in basic needs, such as access to ICTs and the use made of them, or study and work modalities.

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