Food and live animals

In 2013, the value (in current US$) of exports of "live animals other than animals of division 03" (SITC group 001) increased by 2.2 percent (compared to 6.8 percent average growth rate from 2009-2013) to reach 22.4 bln US$ (see table 2), while imports increased by 0.3 percent to reach 21.8 bln US$ (see table 3). Exports of this commodity accounted for 1.8 percent of world exports of SITC sections 0+1, and 0.1 percent of total world merchandise exports (see table 1). Netherlands, France and Canada were the top exporters in 2013 (see table 2). They accounted for 13.3, 10.8 and 8.2 percent of world exports, respectively. USA, Germany and Italy were the top destinations, with respectively 12.2, 10.6 and 8.1 percent of world imports (see table 3).

Related Subject(s): International Trade and Finance
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