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Autorités nationales compétentes au titre des traités internationaux concernant le contrôle des drogues
Ce répertoire répertorie les autorités nationales compétentes habilitées à délivrer des certificats et des autorisations pour l'importation et l'exportation de stupéfiants et de substances psychotropes, et à réglementer ou à faire respecter les contrôles nationaux sur les précurseurs et les Produits chimiques. Les bases juridiques de la désignation de ces autorités sont la Convention unique sur les stupéfiants de 1961 (article 18), la Convention sur les substances psychotropes de 1971 (article 16) et la Convention des Nations Unies contre le trafic illicite de stupéfiants et de Substances psychotropes de 1988 (article 12).
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Sustainable Development Goals
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Competent National Authorities Under the International Drug Control Treaties 2022
This annual directory lists competent national authorities empowered to issue certificates and authorization for the import and export of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances as well as competent national authorities empowered to regulate or enforce national controls over precursors and essential chemicals. It lists international bodies that might assist national competent authorities in case no authority is listed for a given country or region or in case contact cannot be established with the listed authorities. The directory also includes contact details of national competent authorities or international bodies. Introductory texts in Arabic Chinese English French Russian and Spanish.
Competent National Authorities Under the International Drug Control Treaties 2021
This annual directory lists competent national authorities empowered to issue certificates and authorization for the import and export of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances as well as competent national authorities empowered to regulate or enforce national controls over precursors and essential chemicals. It lists international bodies that might assist national competent authorities in case no authority is listed for a given country or region or in case contact cannot be established with the listed authorities. The directory also includes contact details of national competent authorities or international bodies. Introductory texts in Arabic Chinese English French Russian and Spanish.
Competent National Authorities Under the International Drug Control Treaties 2020
Competent National Authorities under the International Drug Control Treaties 2019
This directory lists competent national authorities empowered to issue certificates and authorization for the import and export of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; and competent national authorities empowered to regulate or enforce national controls over precursors and essential chemicals; International bodies that might assist national competent authorities in case no authority is listed for a given country or region or in case contact cannot be established with the listed authorities. The directory also includes contact details of national competent authorities or international bodies and is issued annually. Introductory texts in Arabic Chinese English French Russian and Spanish.
Competent National Authorities under the International Drug Control Treaties 2018
This directory lists competent national authorities empowered to issue certificates and authorization for the import and export of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; and competent national authorities empowered to regulate or enforce national controls over precursors and essential chemicals; International bodies that might assist national competent authorities in case no authority is listed for a given country or region or in case contact cannot be established with the listed authorities. The directory also includes contact details of national competent authorities or international bodies and is issued annually. Introductory texts in Arabic Chinese English French Russian and Spanish.
Competent National Authorities under the International Drug Control Treaties 2015
This directory lists competent national authorities empowered to issue certificates and authorization for the import and export of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; and competent national authorities empowered to regulate or enforce national controls over precursors and essential chemicals; International bodies that might assist national competent authorities in case no authority is listed for a given country or region or in case contact cannot be established with the listed authorities. The directory also includes contact details of national competent authorities or international bodies and is issued annually. Introductory texts in Arabic Chinese English French Russian and Spanish.