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Forests are dynamic ecosystems that play a crucial role in providing essential services such as biodiversity conservation and climate regulation. They are vital for many economies offering a wide range of products like softwood wood-based panels pulp paper and wood energy. With the increasing global population and demand for these products and other services the challenge lies in optimizing and balancing short-term economic gains with long-term sustainability
Forest Products Annual Market Review 2023-2024
The Forest Products Annual Market Review 2023-2024 provides a comprehensive analysis of markets in the UNECE region and reports on the main market influences beyond the region. It covers products from the forest to the end user and from roundwood and primary processed products to value-added housing and wood energy. Statistics-based chapters provide economic overview and policies review analyse the markets for soft sawn wood wood-based panels pulp and paper and wood energy. Underlying the analysis is a comprehensive collection of publicly available data. The Review highlights the role of sustainable forest products in international markets discusses policies concerning forests and forest products assesses the main trends and drivers and analyses the effects of the current economic situation on forest product markets including on bioeconomy.
Explanatory notes
“Apparent consumption” is calculated by adding imports to a country’s production and subtracting exports. Apparent consumption volumes are not adjusted for levels of stock. Apparent consumption is synonymous with “demand” and “use” and is often referred to as “consumption”. Consumption is the sum of a country’s (or subregion’s) production imports and exports.
The UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section expresses its deep gratitude to everyone who contributed to this edition of the Forest Products Annual Market Review.
Who Are Climate Migrants?
A Global Analysis of the Profiles of Communities Affected by Weather-related Internal Displacements
Weather-related hazards have become a major driver of human mobility worldwide. Over recent decades disasters such as floods storms wildfires and droughts have displaced hundreds of millions of people with substantial variation across both geographical areas and types of climate hazards. While global estimates of displacement numbers by hazard type and region are well-established a significant gap remains in the availability of disaggregated data on key variables – such as age sex and income – for the populations impacted by these events. This paper aims to bridge this critical knowledge gap by providing detailed estimates of the demographic socioeconomic and geographical profiles of populations in areas impacted by weather-related displacements worldwide.
Four years since the first publication of the Asia–Pacific Migration Data Report the migration landscape in the region has undergone significant changes from the unprecedented impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and escalating humanitarian crises to the growing imminence of climate change as a “threat multiplier” (United Nations n.d.). Along with the reopening of borders and proliferation of new opportunities millions of people have moved within and beyond the region reshaping numerous countries of origin transit and destination.
Asia–Pacific Migration Data Report 2023
The Asia–Pacific Migration Data Report 2023 is the fourth edition of the annual flagship publication series by the IOM Regional Data Hub for Asia and the Pacific. The report provides data-driven insights into key migration trends in 2023 drawing on the latest available data and information from diverse international regional and national sources. Structured around six thematic pillars – Migration Overview Types of Migration Migration Policy Migration and Vulnerability Migration and Development and Migration and Innovation – the report aims to foster a nuanced understanding of the migration dynamics in the region. This new edition contributes to supporting evidence-informed policy and programmatic actions towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and the Global Compact for Safe Orderly and Regular Migration in alignment with the IOM strategic priorities of saving lives and protecting people on the move driving solutions to displacement and facilitating pathways for regular migration.