- 主页
- 书籍
- Arab Human Development Report 2022
- Chapter
Executive summary

- 作者: United Nations Development Programme
- Main Title: Arab Human Development Report 2022 , pp 1-16
- 出版日期: 六月 2022
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18356/9789210019293c004
- Language: 英语
The 2022 Arab Human Development Report assesses the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Arab States region’s sustainable human development trajectory.1 Although more than two years have passed since the world was confronted with the pandemic, the full range of its cascading effects on the region’s prospects is still emerging. It is clear, however, that the pandemic has erased several years of previous gains in human development. The Report reviews the prospects for human development in the region and contends that getting human development back on track in the postpandemic era will require greater efforts to make governance systems more accountable and responsive, economies more diversified and competitive, and societies more cohesive and inclusive–in order to ensure a resilient recovery for all.
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