This study was prepared by the Trade, Gender and Development Programme of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), under the supervision and coordination of Simonetta Zarrilli, chief of the programme. Comments were provided by Nadira Bayat at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Mia Mikic at the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), Kasonde Sampa at the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) National Implementation Unit in Zambia, Caroline Dommen, an independent expert on Sustainable Development Law, Policy and Practice, and Lisa Borgatti, Katerina Joklova, Mariangela Linoci and Simonetta Zarrilli at UNCTAD. They are gratefully recognized. The study is the result of a collaboration between UNCTAD’s Trade, Gender and Development Programme and the EIF Executive Secretariat under the project “Promoting gender-responsive trade policy in the LDCs.” The project is part of the Empower Women, Power Trade initiative, an EIF programme aimed at transforming the economic lives of women in least developed countries.

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