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Registration of Objects Launched Into Outer Space
The study examines the national approaches taken to implement the registration-related provisions of the United Nations Treaties, Principles, Guidelines, and applicable resolutions. In doing so, the Registration Project aims to create a baseline understanding of national approaches to registration, empower new, emerging or established space-faring nations to register satellites with the UN, enhance international expertise, and share knowledge, good practices and lessons learned from national approaches. This study can inform future capacity-building activities or topics to be discussed within expert meetings of National Focal Points on Registration.
The Space4water Project: Building Bridges for Knowledge Exchange
Today, humanity faces a plethora of challenges related to water. As an effect of drought, some regions’ populations see their water reserves gradually but surely emptying. Around 40 per cent of the world’s population is affected by water scarcity. Elsewhere, people suffer from flash floods, rising sea levels or extreme weather. Rising sea levels affect agriculture, livelihoods, biodiversity and coastal habitats that are home to 900 million people. The next step in fully tapping the potential of space assets to improve life on Earth is to democratize access to these transformative tools and scale their application to benefit communities worldwide. In a world riddled with inequalities, we cannot let the space sector become yet another field of persistent gaps among and within countries. To advance access to space solutions for addressing water challenges, the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) launched a dedicated Space4Water project at the beginning of the Water Action Decade in 2018. The Project, with its three pillars of conference series, web portal and community building, addresses knowledge exchange between scientific communities, policymakers, intergovernmental organizations, the private sector, civil society and the public. Through these efforts, we are strengthening communities, amplifying the voices of Indigenous communities, connecting them with professionals with the technical background to address their issues, and sharing a vast range of learning opportunities at different knowledge levels.
Near-Earth Objects and Planetary Defence
Forging global partnerships and building resilient societies through better coordination are among the key challenges of the twenty-first century. Given the global consequences of a near-Earth object (NEO) impact and the considerable resources required to prevent a collision, the United Nations, through its Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), has been involved in the international discourse and dialogue on the topic of NEOs, raising awareness and promoting global cooperation. Addressing such a hazard, including the identification of objects that pose a threat of impact to Earth, and planning a corresponding mitigation campaign, require cooperative action in the interest of public safety on the part of the global community. Acting as a gateway to space in the United Nations system, UNOOSA is uniquely positioned in intergovernmental cooperation and coordination on outer space activities, and in the broader perspective of space security, including the area of planetary defence. The Office supports and cooperates with two entities established in 2014: the International Asteroid Warning Network (IAWN) and the Space Mission Planning Advisory Group (SMPAG). These two entities came into being through a series of recommendations for an international response to the threat of near-Earth object impact, endorsed by the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and ultimately recommended by the General Assembly. The aim of these recommendations is to address the global challenge posed by NEOs, beginning with their detection and tracking and, subsequently, deflection and planetary defence.
For All Humanity – The Future of Outer Space Governance
Our Common Agenda Policy Brief 7
The present policy brief contains an examination of the extraordinary changes under way in outer space and an assessment of the sustainability, safety and security impacts of these changes on present and future governance. The brief also contains an outline of major trends that are impacting space sustainability and the positive impact that these trends could have on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Also contained in the brief is an outline of major trends affecting the security of outer space activities and the risks to humanity that could materialize if these challenges are not solved. Lastly, it provides a practical set of governance recommendations for maximizing the opportunities of outer space while minimizing short-term and long-term risks. This is the seventh of the Summit of the Future Policy Briefs.
من أجل الإنسانية جمعاء – مستقبل إدارة الفضاء الخارجي
موجز سياسات جدول أعمالنا المشترك 7
يتضمن موجز السياسات الحالي دراسة للتغيرات غير العادية الجارية في الفضاء الخارجي وتقييما لاستدامة هذه التغيرات وآثارها على السلامة والأمن على الإدارة الحالية والمستقبلية. ويحتوي الموجز أيضًا على الخطوط العريضة للاتجاهات الرئيسية التي تؤثر على استدامة الفضاء والأثر الإيجابي الذي يمكن أن تحدثه هذه الاتجاهات على تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة. ويتضمن الموجز أيضًا الخطوط العريضة للاتجاهات الرئيسية التي تؤثر على أمن أنشطة الفضاء الخارجي والمخاطر التي قد تتعرض لها البشرية والتي يمكن أن تتحقق إذا لم يتم حل هذه التحديات. وأخيراً، فهو يقدم مجموعة عملية من التوصيات الإدارية لتحقيق أقصى قدر من الفرص المتاحة في الفضاء الخارجي مع تقليل المخاطر القصيرة والطويلة الأجل إلى أدنى حد. هذه هي القمة السابعة لموجزات سياسات المستقبل.
Para toda la humanidad – el futuro de la gobernanza del espacio ultraterrestre
Informe de políticas de Nuestra Agenda Común 7
El presente informe de políticas contiene un examen de los cambios extraordinarios que se están produciendo en el espacio ultraterrestre y una evaluación de los impactos de estos cambios en la sostenibilidad y la seguridad en la gobernanza presente y futura. El informe también contiene un resumen de las principales tendencias que están afectando la sostenibilidad espacial y el impacto positivo que estas tendencias podrían tener en el logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. El informe también contiene un resumen de las principales tendencias que afectan la seguridad de las actividades en el espacio ultraterrestre y los riesgos para la humanidad que podrían materializarse si estos desafíos no se resuelven. Por último, proporciona un conjunto práctico de recomendaciones de gobernanza para maximizar las oportunidades del espacio ultraterrestre y al mismo tiempo minimizar los riesgos a corto y largo plazo. Este es el séptimo de los Informes de Políticas de la Cumbre del Futuro.
Pour l’humanité tout entière – l’avenir de la gouvernance de l’espace extra-atmosphérique
Notre Programme commun Note d’orientation 7
La présente note d’orientation contient un examen des changements extraordinaires en cours dans l’espace et une évaluation des impacts de ces changements sur la durabilité, la sûreté et la sécurité sur la gouvernance actuelle et future. La note contient également un aperçu des principales tendances qui ont un impact sur la durabilité de l'espace et de l'impact positif que ces tendances pourraient avoir sur la réalisation des objectifs de développement durable. Le document présente également un aperçu des principales tendances affectant la sécurité des activités spatiales et des risques pour l'humanité qui pourraient se matérialiser si ces défis ne sont pas résolus. Enfin, il fournit un ensemble pratique de recommandations en matière de gouvernance pour maximiser les opportunités de l’espace tout en minimisant les risques à court et à long terme. Il s’agit de la septième édition du Sommet de l’avenir.
Для всего человечества – будущее управления космическим пространством
Краткая информация о нашей общей повестке дня 7
Настоящая аналитическая записка содержит анализ чрезвычайных изменений, происходящих в космическом пространстве, и оценку воздействия этих изменений на устойчивость, безопасность и защищенность на нынешнее и будущее управление. В кратком изложении также содержится описание основных тенденций, влияющих на космическую устойчивость, а также положительное влияние, которое эти тенденции могут оказать на достижение Целей устойчивого развития. В кратком изложении также содержится описание основных тенденций, влияющих на безопасность космической деятельности, и рисков для человечества, которые могут материализоваться, если эти проблемы не будут решены. Наконец, в нем представлен набор практических рекомендаций по управлению для максимизации возможностей космического пространства при минимизации краткосрочных и долгосрочных рисков. Это седьмой доклад по политике Саммита будущего.
我们的共同议程政策简介 7
Contribution to the “Space2030” Agenda
EU Space -Supporting a World of 8 Billion People
This report has been prepared following the Day of 8 Billion, designated by the United Nations as the day when the world population reached 8 billion people, to showcase how space technologies and its synergies can help to tackle the challenges of the world increasing population and complex societies while ensuring sustainable development and bolster resilience, leveraging the guidance of the “Space2030” Agenda and supporting the implementation of the global agendas. The present report has been conceived within the cooperation agreement signed between UNOOSA and EUSPA with the goal of promoting how the use of space technology, data and services can contribute to achieving sustainable development in the context of an 8 billion world, and how the “Space2030” Agenda establishes the priorities of Member States for the space community.
Guidelines for the Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
The Earth’s orbital space environment constitutes a finite resource that is being used by an increasing number of States, international intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental entities. The proliferation of space debris, the increasing complexity of space operations, the emergence of large constellations and the increased risks of collision and interference with the operation of space objects may affect the long-term sustainability of space activities. Addressing these developments and risks requires international cooperation by States and international intergovernmental organizations to avoid harm to the space environment and the safety of space operations
The Interoperable Global Navigation Satellite Systems Space Service Volume - Second Edition
Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), which were originally designed to provide positioning, velocity, and timing services for terrestrial users, are now increasingly utilized for autonomous navigation in space as well. Historically, most space users have been located at low altitudes, where GNSS signal reception is similar to that on the ground. More recently, however, users are relying on these signals at high altitudes, near to or above the GNSS constellations themselves. The availability and performance of GNSS signals at high altitude is documented as the GNSS Space Service Volume (SSV). While different definitions of the SSV exist and may continue to exist for the different service providers, within the context of this booklet it is defined as the region of space between 3,000 km and 36,000 km above the Earth’s surface, which is the geostationary altitude. For space users located at low altitudes (below 3,000 km), the GNSS signal reception is similar to that for terrestrial users and can be conservatively derived from the results presented for the lower SSV in this booklet.
Exploring Space Technologies for Sustainable Development
From astronomy and aerospace engineering to satellite Earth observation, space sciences and technologies have the potential to contribute both directly and indirectly to Sustainable Development. This publication highlights such opportunities, proposing science, technology and innovation (STI) policy options for harnessing space-enabled technologies – and the real-time information and time-series data they provide – to deliver and monitor progress on key Sustainable Development Goals. The role of regional and international research collaboration in support of these efforts is also discussed here, as the achievement of ambitious global goals within widely differing local contexts requires the combination of space capabilities with detailed local knowledge. Global collaboration offers great potential to contribute to this process, providing opportunities to create new knowledge and diffuse existing knowledge for increased impact.
Report of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
Sixty-first Session (20-29 June 2018)
This is the annual report submitted to the General Assembly by the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space on its Sixty-first Session (20-29 June 2018)
Report of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
Sixty-second Session (12-21 June 2019)
This is the annual report submitted to the General Assembly by the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space on its Sixty-first Session (12-21 June 2019)
European Global Navigation Satellite System and Copernicus
Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals - Building Blocks Towards the 2030 Agenda
This report investigates how European Union space technologies support the fulfilment of the SDGs. It has been jointly prepared by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)—in charge of promoting international cooperation in the peaceful use and exploration of space, and in the utilization of space science and technology for sustainable economic and social development—and the European GNSS Agency (GSA), which is the European Union agency operating EGNOS and Galileo and is in charge of ensuring the maximization of socioeconomic benefits from the use of the European Union satellite navigation systems. The analysis shows that all the SDGs are positively impacted by the benefits stemming from the use of European Global Navigation Satellite Systems (EGNSS) and Copernicus applications and, out of the 169 indicators associated, 65 (almost 40 per cent) directly benefit from using the EGNSS and Copernicus services, either helping monitor the status of achievement of a given SDG or actively contributing to its fulfilment.
The Interoperable Global Navigation Satellite Systems Space Service Volume
The availability and performance of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) signals at high altitude is documented as the GNSS Space Service Volume (SSV). While different definitions of the SSV exist and may continue to exist for the different service providers, within the context of this booklet it is defined as the region of space between 3,000 km and 36,000 km above the Earth’s surface, which is the geostationary altitude. For space users located at low altitudes (below 3,000 km), the GNSS signal reception is similar to that for terrestrial users and can be conservatively derived from the results presented for the lower SSV in this booklet.
International Space Law
United Nations Instruments
The International Space Law: United Nations Instruments as it represents the most comprehensive and up-to-date volume of instruments that have been developed, promoted and strengthened under the auspices of the United Nations. These instruments constitute the principal body of international space law and will continue to provide, further into the twenty-first century, an effective framework for the expanding and increasingly complex tasks aimed at the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes. May they continue to support humankind’s space activities throughout the years to come.
International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG)
The Way Forward - 10 Years of Achievement 2005-2015
The tenth anniversary of the International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG) brings with it the opportunity to recognize and acknowledge the vital role that satellite technology has played as an innovative tool for sustainable development. The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, as the Executive Secretariat of the ICG, has worked with Member States to enhance the compatibility and interoperability of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) constellations so that satellite technologies remain equally accessible for all. The ICG demonstrates tangible international cooperation where leading global satellite operators have coordinated their GNSS services to provide global coverage in satellite-based positioning, navigation, and timing, for the benefit of all. As a platform for open discussions and information exchange under the umbrella of the United Nations, the ICG promotes the use of GNSS technology for the management and protection of the environment, disaster risk reduction, agriculture and food security, emergency response, improving the efficiency in surveying and mapping, and to enhance the safety and effectiveness of transportation by land, sea and air.
Report of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space Fifty-Seventh Session (11-20 June 2014)
Author: United NationsThis is the official report of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space on the fifty-seventh session held in Vienna from 11 to 20 June 2014.