Empowering Youth in Luxembourg: A Transversal and Systemic Approach by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth
- Author: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
- Main Title: Engaging Young People in the Implementation of ESD in the UNECE Region , pp 8-19
- Publication Date: December 2022
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18356/9789210019873c005
- Language: English
The Ministry of Education, Children and Youth (MENJE) is the public authority in charge of education and youth policy in Luxembourg. Education for sustainable development (ESD), the term established throughout the UN Decade for ESD (2002-2014), has found its way transversally into all levels of the national education system in the Grand Duchy. The framework outlined here, with national educational targets based on the 17 SDGs, shows that educational policy in Luxembourg follows a holistic, future-oriented and participatory approach, in which the focus lies on the recognition of young people and their needs. Innovative educational approaches for Global Citizenship Education in Luxembourg are made possible through the development of expertise and capacity building within the system.
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