Regional Integration: Issues at Stake
- Autor: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
- Main Title: Trade and Development Report 2022 , pp 113-124
- Fecha de la publicación: marzo 2023
- DOI:
- Language: Inglés
As crises affecting the global economy become increasingly more complex and intertwined, policymakers at all levels of the multilateral system are seeking solutions that would safeguard against future shocks and ameliorate existing inequities and asymmetries across the global economy. Global issues require a coordinated response, yet inclusive multilateral dialogue requires a high degree of trust among contracting parties that is difficult to attain in the context of global instability and growing geopolitical tensions. Moreover, the existing multilateral institutions established at the end of the second World War have struggled to adapt to the challenges of the new millennium, including those posed by new types of economic and financial crises.
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