Increasing productivity for reviving economic growth and supporting sustainable development

- Auteur: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
- Main Title: Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2016 , pp 94-133
- Date de Publication : juin 2016
- DOI:
- Language: Anglais
Spectacular economic growth has been witnessed in the Asia-Pacific region over the last few decades. In most economies in the region, this growth has been driven primarily by factor accumulation, that is, by increases in the size of the labour force and by increases in the capital stock through investment, including from abroad. At the same time, significant increases in productivity, particularly in labour productivity, have also taken place throughout the region. However, the slowdown in economic growth that has been observed since 2010 has increased the difficulties faced by Asia-Pacific economies in terms of dealing with their numerous development challenges.
© United Nations
Book DOI:
Related Subject(s):
Développement économique et social
Sustainable Development Goals:
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