Provisional application of treaties

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108. At its sixty-fourth session (2012), the Commission decided to include the topic “Provisional application of treaties” in its programme of work and appointed Mr. Juan Manuel Gómez Robledo as Special Rapporteur for the topic. At the same session, the Commission took note of an oral report, presented by the Special Rapporteur at the 3151st meeting, on 27 July 2012, on the informal consultations held on the topic under his chairpersonship. The Commission also decided to request a memorandum from the Secretariat on previous work undertaken by the Commission on the subject in the context of its work on the law of treaties, and on the travaux préparatoires of the relevant provisions of the 1969 Vienna Convention. The General Assembly subsequently, in resolution 67/92 of 14 December 2012, noted with appreciation the decision of the Commission to include the topic in its programme of work.

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