1. The System of National Accounts 1993 (1993 SNA) 1/ was unanimously recommended to the United Nations Economic and Social Council by its Statistical Commission at its 24th session in March 1993 2/. Similar to the recommendation made in 1968 for its predecessor, A System of National Accounts (1968 SNA) 3/, the Council in its resolution 1993/5 of 12 July 1993 recommends that members states use the 1993 SNA in the international reporting of comparable national accounting data. However, it should be highlighted that the Council went a few steps further in 1993 and also recommends that member states consider using the 1993 SNA: (a) as the standard for the compilation of their national accounts statistics, (b) to promote the integration of economic and related statistics, and (c) as an analytical tool.

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