- الصفحة الرئيسية
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El viaje de los migrantes de los países del norte de Centroamérica a los Estados Unidos: costo monetario, contratación de coyotes y probabilidad de endeudamiento
En este artículo se estudian distintos aspectos del viaje que realizan las personas migrantes desde sus países de origen (El Salvador Guatemala y Honduras) hasta los Estados Unidos: el costo total del viaje la probabilidad de endeudarse para realizarlo la probabilidad de contratar un coyote y el costo monetario de dicha contratación. Se analizan los años comprendidos entre 2013 y 2019 y el primer trimestre de 2020 sobre la base de la Encuesta sobre Migración en la Frontera Sur de México (EMIF Sur). Los resultados del análisis indican que la probabilidad de que los migrantes contraten los servicios de un coyote es elevada así como los costos que implica su contratación (tanto para transitar por México como para cruzar a los Estados Unidos o ambos) que la mayoría de los migrantes que contratan un coyote piden dinero prestado y que los costos totales del viaje son altos y se han ido incrementado con el tiempo.
Globalized production processes and foreign governmental lobbies: Analysing the United States Foreign Agents Registration Act reports
This study examines two potentially opposing effects that the current state of trade globalization can have on foreign governmental lobbies in the United States. On one hand economic globalization and increased flows of goods may lead to more and more contentious issues between trading partners. On the other hand the growing networks of global value chains (GVCs) may mobilize interest groups in foreign lobbies’ target countries (the United States in this study) whose activities might substitute for those of foreign governmental lobbies. With such linkages an increase in lobbying activities by domestic producers may reduce the need for direct foreign lobbying on contentious issues. The study reveals different effects of forward and backward GVC linkages and the results have two main policy implications: first policymakers should be aware of the growing intricate nature of foreign influence; second more attention must be paid to political consequences of GVCs’ distributive effects particularly those from backward linkages.
Mapping the Rwandan Diaspora in the United States of America
This report is on a mapping exercise that took place in the USA from November 2021 to March 2022. The study aimed to gain insights into the socioeconomic profile professional skills and expertise of this population and assess their capacity level of interest and motivation to participate and engage in development-related activities in Rwanda. Key informants and opinion leaders (including former community leaders and other independent leaders) as well as ordinary diasporans through their participation in focus group discussions provided invaluable insights. These respondents represent the complex and diverse socioeconomic profiles and experiences of the Rwandan diaspora in the United States. The report proposes a list of recommendations on ways to match or align Government-led projects and initiatives with skills available in the Rwandan diaspora in the United States and enhance the substantial engagement already in place: (a) developing creative strategies to recruit diaspora talent; (b) devising incentive schemes to attract talent; (c) promoting short-term engagements to individuals already employed in the diaspora; (d) leveraging video conferencing technologies for synchronous e-learning and e-mentoring (strategies already mentioned in previous Rwandan diaspora mapping reports); and (e) establishing sustained and adequate communication strategies to reach the Rwandan diaspora in the United States.
LaGrand Case: Vol.III (Germany v. United States of America)
Pleadings, Oral Arguments, Documents
Pleadings Oral Arguments Documents: LaGrand Case (Germany v. United States of America) Volume III
LaGrand Case: Vol.II (Germany v. United States of America)
Pleadings, Oral Arguments, Documents
Pleadings Oral Arguments Documents: LaGrand (Germany v. United States of America) Volume II
Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders 2021: Alleged Violations of the 1955 Treaty of Amity, Economic Relations, and Consular Rights (Islamic Republic of Iran v. United States of America)
Preliminary Objections, Judgment of 3 February 2021
Judgment on the preliminary objections raised by the United States.
Narcotic Drugs 2021
Estimated World Requirements for 2022 – Statistics for 2020
This publication contains information about the licit movement of the internationally controlled narcotic drugs included in the Schedules of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. This includes information on cultivation of opiate raw materials on extraction of alkaloids from opium poppy straw and concentrate of poppy straw; on the manufacture of consumption utilization and stocks of opiates and opioids; and international global trade in narcotic drugs as well as in individual countries/territories. The publication also contains the estimated requirements of narcotic drugs for each country and territory.
El incremento de los permisos como trabajadores temporales a mexicanos en los Estados Unidos: Viejas formas de contratación en el sector agrícola estadounidense
En los últimos años las visas de trabajo temporal del programa H-2A en la agricultura estadounidense se incrementaron. Esta nueva dinámica del mercado laboral agrícola estadounidense impacta a las comunidades y familias en los territorios que son origen de un alto flujo migratorio a los Estados Unidos. Sobre la base de información del Departamento de Estado de ese país se indagó en la evolución en el tiempo del número de trabajadores mexicanos en ese programa y tomando como referencia la metodología cualitativa se buscó conocer el impacto que han tenido este tipo de visas en las comunidades y las dinámicas de contratación que aplican los empresarios agrícolas estadounidenses. Se encontró que si bien los procesos de contratación no son complicados la experiencia migratoria previa determina en gran medida la contratación por esta vía de los trabajadores que van a laborar en las actividades agrícolas; en cambio existe en el mercado laboral estadounidense un nicho en las actividades agropecuarias para los jóvenes migrantes mexicanos en el que no se requiere experiencia previa pero sí estudios universitarios terminados.
Impact of COVID-19 on the United States Economy and the Policy Response
The outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has upended the global and United States economies exacting a large human toll and shutting down major economic sectors. While there is significant uncertainty about United States economic growth prospects the impact of the pandemic is severe. The record-long United States economic expansion came to an end as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic with forecasts of a deep recession in 2020. The outlook remains highly uncertain as it is difficult to gauge the social and economic impact of the pandemic which will depend on the success of containing the outbreak and the measures to restart economic activity. The economic policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been substantial and immediate. Three stimulus packages were approved by the United States Congress in March to address the impact on households and businesses. New legislation was also approved in April and June to improve the effectiveness of the programmes included in the previous three fiscal packages. The United States Federal Reserve cut interest rates to the zero lower bound offered unlimited quantitative easing and deployed old and new policy tools aimed at keeping financial markets functioning.
No. 51711. United States of America and Jamaica
Exchange of notes constituting an Agreement between the United States of America and Jamaica regarding the Cooperating Nation Information Exchange System. Kingston 26 August 2005 and 23 September 2005
No. 51704. United States of America and Netherlands (in respect of the Caribbean part of the Netherlands, Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten)
Agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the United States of America concerning cooperation in civil aviation safety. Washington 23 May 2013
No. 51710. United States of America and Australia
Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Department of Defence of Australia concerning collaboration on tactical missile design development test and evaluation (with annexes). Washington 3 August 2005 and Canberra 1 September 2005
No. 51708. United States of America and Niger
Agreement between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of the United States of America and the Ministry of basic education and alphabetization of the Republic of Niger for cooperation in the GLOBE Program. Niamey 11 August 2005
No. 51709. United States of America and Ethiopia
Agreement between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of the United States of America and the Ministry of education of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia for cooperation in the GLOBE Program. Addis Ababa 24 August 2005
No. 51198. United States of America and Micronesia (Federated States of)
Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Federated States of Micronesia Regarding the Surrender of Persons to the International Criminal Court. Washington 24 September 2002
No. 51225. United States of America and Rwanda
Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Rwanda Regarding the Surrender of Persons to International Tribunals. Washington 4 March 2003
No. 51238. United States of America and Colombia
Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Colombia regarding the surrender of persons of the United States of America to the International Criminal Court. Bogotá 17 September 2003
No. 51241. United States of America and Antigua and Barbuda
Exchange of notes constituting an agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Antigua and Barbuda regarding the surrender of persons to the International Criminal Court. Washington 29 September 2003
No. 51227. United States of America and Democratic Republic of the Congo
Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Regarding the Surrender of Persons to the International Criminal Court. Washington 19 March 2003
No. 51236. United States of America and Ethiopia
Memorandum of Understanding between the U.S. Geological Survey of the Department of the Interior of the Government of the United States of America and the Addis Ababa University of the Ministry of Education of the Government of Ethiopia concerning scientific and technical cooperation in the earth sciences (with annexes). Reston 9 December 2002 and Addis Ababa 28 August 2003