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Afrique du Sud : la difficile équation de l’enseignement des maths
Les statistiques confirment ce que les personnes sur le terrain savent depuis des décennies : les écoliers sud-africains sont mauvais en maths. C’est ce qui ressort de l’étude Tendances internationales relatives aux études en mathématiques et en sciences (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)) qui date de 2019. En primaire l’Afrique du Sud arrive à l’une des dernières places du classement qui recense les performances de 64 pays. La situation n’est pas meilleure au lycée où les élèves de 9e année ont obtenu l’avant-dernier score sur 39 pays. Plus inquiétant encore : moins d’un tiers des élèves en dernière année de lycée prennent des cours de mathématiques et seulement la moitié d’entre eux réussissent leurs examens d’après l’Institut sud-africain des comptables professionnels basé à Midrand.
La complicada ecuación de la enseñanza de las matemáticas en Sudáfrica
Las estadísticas confirman algo quienes trabajan en el terreno saben desde hace décadas: a los estudiantes sudafricanos no se les dan bien las matemáticas. Es la conclusión del estudio Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) [Tendencias internacionales relativas al estudio de las matemáticas y las ciencias] realizado en 2019. Según el informe en la enseñanza primaria Sudáfrica ocupa uno de los últimos lugares de la clasificación que refleja resultados de 64 países. La situación no mejora en secundaria donde los alumnos de noveno curso (16-17 años) terminaron los penúltimos de 39 países. Y un dato aún más inquietante: menos de la tercera parte de los estudiantes de último año de secundaria toma cursos de matemáticas y solo la mitad de ellos logran aprobar los exámenes según indica el Instituto Sudafricano de Expertos en Contabilidad con sede en Midrand.
جنوب إفريقيا: المعادلة الصّعبة لتعليم الرّياضيّات
تؤكّد الإحصائيّات جلّ ما يعرفه النّاس على أرض الواقع منذ عقود، وهو أنّ مستوى التلاميذ في جنوب إفريقيا ضعيف في مادّة الرّياضيات. ذلك ما تبيّنه دراسة الاتّجاهات الدّولية في دراسة الرّياضيات والعلوم التي تعود إلى سنة 2019 . ففي التّعليم الابتدائي، تحتلّ جنوب إفريقيا المراتب الأخيرة في التّّرتيب الذي يُقيّم أداء 64 دولة. والوضع ليس أفضل في المعاهد الثّانوية حيث حصل تلاميذ الصفّ التّاسع على المرتبة قبل الأخيرة من بين 39 دولة. أما الأكثر إثارة للقلق هو أنّ أقلّ من ثلث تلاميذ السّنة الأخيرة من التّعليم الثّانوي يتلقّون دروسًا في الرّياضيات، وأن نصفهم فقط ينجح في امتحانات الالتحاق بمعهد جنوب إفريقيا للمحاسبين المحترفين ومقرّه ميدراند.
Обучение математике в ЮАР: уравнение с множеством переменных
Местные жители знают давно: южноафриканские школьники в математике не сильны. Это подтверждают результаты мониторинга проведенного в 2019 году в рамках Международного исследования качества школьного математического и естественнона-учного образования (TIMSS от англ. Trends in Mathematics and Science Study). По итогам тестирования в начальной школе Южная Африка занимает одно из последних мест среди 64 стран — участ-ниц TIMSS. В старших классах ситуация не лучше: южноафриканские 9-класс-ники оказались предпоследними в спи-ске из 39 стран. Еще больше тревожат данные Южноафриканского института бухгалтеров (Мидранд ЮАР) согласно которым математику выбирает менее трети учащихся последнего года обуче-ния в школе а экзамен успешно сдает только половина из них.
Complex equation of maths education in South Africa
The latest Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMMS) 2019 confirms what those on the ground have known for decades: South African school students are bad at maths. At primary school level South Africa had the third lowest score out of the 64 countries. Things are no better at high school where South Africa’s Grade 9 learners received the second lowest score out of 39 countries. Moreover less than a third of all students in the final year of high school take maths – and only half of them pass their exams according to data from the South African Institute of Professional Accountants (Midrand Greater Johannesburg).
最新的2019 年国际数学和科学趋势 研究(TIMMS)证实了当地人几十年 来心知肚明的一件事——南非中小学 生的数学很差。小学阶段,南非学生 的分数在64 个国家中排名倒数第三。 到了高中,情况也没有好转,南非九 年级学生的得分在39 个国家中排名倒 数第二。此外,南非职业会计师协会 (大约翰内斯堡,米德兰)的数据显示, 只有不到三分之一的高中毕业班学生 学习数学,而他们之中又只有一半的 人通过了数学考试。
Climate change could leave South African tourism high and dry
Towards the end of each year hundreds of thousands of people escape dark cold rainy winters in Europe and North America for a break in sunny South Africa.
Foreign direct investment and gender inequality: evidence from South Africa
We study an often-overlooked factor behind gender inequality: globalization in particular foreign direct investment (FDI). Building on a growing literature that studies the impact of trade and FDI on gender inequality we test whether foreign-owned firms exhibit a different gender wage gap (GWG) than firms with domestic ownership using unique South African administrative matched employer-employee data. We find that the unconditional GWG is substantially smaller in foreign-owned firms than in firms with domestic ownership. We also find that for foreign-owned firms this difference is reversed once we control for a large set of fixed effects. In our preferred specification foreign-owned firms have a larger GWG of about 2.4 percentage points. The share of women employed in foreign firms is lower than in firms with domestic ownership in contrast to similar studies which may indicate an underlying inequality in opportunities for women within a developing country context.
No. 51528. United States of America and South Africa
Memorandum of Understanding between the U.S. Geological Survey of the Department of the Interior of the United States of America and the Water Research Commission of the Republic of South Africa concerning scientific and technical cooperation in the earth sciences. Reston 7 March 2005 and Pretoria 7 March 2005
No. 51326. South Africa and South Sudan
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of South Africa and the Government of the Republic of South Sudan on the establishment of diplomatic relations. New York 21 September 2011
No. 51342. South Africa and Guinea
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Government of the Republic of South Africa and the Government of the Republic of Guinea on the implementation of a project to improve the sustainable management of solid waste in the city of Conakry (with annex). Addis Ababa 24 May 2013
No. 51332. South Africa and Panama
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of South Africa and the Government of the Republic of Panama concerning reciprocal exemption from visa requirements for holders of diplomatic official consular and special passports. Pretoria 22 February 2013
No. 51328. South Africa and Japan
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of South Africa and the Government of Japan regarding mutual assistance and cooperation between their customs administrations. Pretoria 2 July 2012
No. 51334. South Africa and Russian Federation
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of South Africa and the Government of the Russian Federation on mutual recognition and equivalence of educational qualifications and academic degrees. Durban 26 March 2013
No. 51340. South Africa and Nigeria
Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of South Africa and the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on co-operation in the field of women development and empowerment and child development. Cape Town 7 May 2013
No. 51331. South Africa and Uganda
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of South Africa and the Government of the Republic of Uganda on co-operation in the fields of the environment and water resources. Pretoria 9 November 2012