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- International Dialogue on Migration
International Dialogue on Migration
Past decades have witnessed an expansion of inter-governmental and other initiatives to develop joint approaches to migration. IOM's International Dialogue on Migration (IDM) has held a pioneering role in bringing together all migration stakeholders, at a global level, for free and open discussions on the opportunities and challenges which migration presents. The IDM is IOM’s principal forum for migration policy dialogue. Founded in 2001 IDM provides a space to analyse current and emerging issues in migration governance and to exchange experiences, policy approaches and effective practices. Every year, the IDM is guided by an overarching theme selected by the IOM membership through a process of informal consultations. The annual theme is elaborated during workshops bringing together migration policymakers and practitioners from around the world.
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Sustainable Development Goals
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International Dialogue on Migration No. 36
Think About Tomorrow, Act Today: The Future of Human Mobility and Climate Change
The global response to climate change and human mobility is at a crossroads and it is imperative that climate mobility assumes a paramount position on the political agenda. The direct impact of slow-onset climate changes such as lower crop productivity could lead to the internal climate migration of up to 216 million people by 2050 across all six regions. As noted by the 2021 Groundswell report “it’s important to note that this projection is not cast in stone. If countries start now to reduce greenhouse gases close development gaps restore vital ecosystems and help people adapt internal climate migration could be reduced by up to 80 per cent – to 44 million people by 2050.” According to the World Disasters Report 2020 an estimated 200 million people per year could require humanitarian assistance by 2050 due to the combined effects of climate-related disasters and the socioeconomic impacts of climate change. Also data from the UNDRR Global Assessment Report 2022 indicate that “If current trends continue the number of disasters per year globally may increase to 560 per year by 2030 – a projected increase of 40% during the lifetime of the Sendai Framework.”
International Dialogue on Migration No. 34
Overlapping Global Crises: The Impacts of Food Insecurity and Climate Change on Migration and Displacement
Food security water security environmental security and livelihood security are all affected by climate change and can influence mobility patterns. In 2022 we have witnessed the combined impacts of climate change and food insecurity and the proliferation of acute situations across the world leading to disruption in food supply chain and rising prices of grain fertilizer and energy. This has resulted in compounded risks for communities already under severe stress especially in low-income countries and lead to protracted displacement and increased humanitarian needs. These situations call for longer-term development adaptation and disaster risk reduction policies to avert and minimize displacement strengthen the resilience of migrants and communities and promote sustainable societies and livelihoods.
International Dialogue on Migration No. 33
Global Compact for Migration Implementation in Practice: Successes, Challenges and Innovative Approaches
The session’s main objective was to encourage dialogue among Member States stakeholders and partners on the progress made by the international community in advancing the objectives of the Global Compact since its adoption in 2018. The IDM was a timely and opportune moment ahead of the IMRF and its outcomes served to inform Member States’ and stakeholders’ preparations for the Review Forum. This publication submitted to the IMRF as a contribution presents a report of the three-day session and offers the reader a compilation of relevant data evidence best practices innovative approaches and recommendations relevant to the implementation of the Global Compact as shared by migration experts governments and practitioners at the meeting.
International Dialogue on Migration No. 32
Leveraging Migration for a Resilient and Sustainable Post-pandemic Recovery: Opportunities and Challenges
The session focused on the state of global mobility in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and post-pandemic efforts in particular the contribution of migrants as key agents of a resilient and sustainable socioeconomic recovery. The dialogue’s main aim was to improve the knowledge of the impacts of global shocks on migration and development and identify lessons learned and recommendations to improve migrant support in the future. The session allowed government representatives members of the diaspora academic experts representatives of the private sector and international and civil society organizations to exchange views and share experiences and examples of effective practices to advance efforts to ensure safe orderly and regular migration and strengthen migrant-inclusive public health systems with the ultimate aim of advancing the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals. This publication presents a summary report of the deliberations held during the two days and offers the reader a collection of experiences best practices and recommendations shared by the participants at the meeting.
International Dialogue on Migration No. 31
Accelerating Integrated Action on Sustainable Development: Migration, the Environment and Climate Change
Climate change and environmental degradation are undoubtedly major concerns and their impact on migration health peace and sustainable development are already manifest in all regions of the world. Ten years after the first IDM devoted to the emerging nexus between migration environment and climate change in 2011 IOM brought this crucial topic back on the agenda at a time of increasing political urgency and in view of the profound impacts of the COVID-19 global health crisis linking climate and migration to current and future development issues. The present publication provides a summary report of the deliberations at the session. It also includes a collection of experiences best practices lessons learned and recommendations for advancing integrated action on migration the environment and climate change in support of the Sustainable Development Goals.
International Dialogue on Migration No. 30
COVID-19 Crisis: Reimagining the Role of Migrants and Human Mobility for the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals
The International Dialogue on Migration (IDM) convened on 15 and 16 October 2020 on the theme “COVID-19 crisis: Reimagining the role of migrants and human mobility for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals” was an extremely timely exchange of best practices and recommendations regarding how we can respond to the immediate and longer-term challenges of the pandemic for migrants and human mobility. It brought together governments health experts civil society the private sector and youth representatives and reinforced the critical role played by the IDM in offering a venue for discussion of the key migration issues of the day. The present publication provides a summary report of the deliberations at the session. It also includes a collection of experiences and best practices for addressing the COVID-19 pandemic and its implications for migrants migration and mobility and contains a set of recommendations for promoting migrant inclusive socioeconomic recovery plans.
International Dialogue on Migration No. 29
Youth and Migration
Against this background the 2019 International Dialogue for Migration (IDM) – IOM’s flagship initiative for policy discussion – was dedicated to deliberating how to engage and empower young people as key partners in migration governance. The 2019 IDM responded to calls for greater engagement with young people from participants at previous IDMs and was aligned with the United Nations Youth Strategy which recognizes the potential of young people to advance progress in many policy areas thanks to their first-hand experience. This publication aims to provide an analysis of the role of young people in migration governance how to engage them and how to unlock their potential to respond to the challenges and opportunities presented by migration. Moreover it offers the reader an exhaustive collection of best practices lessons learned and recommendations gathered from the discussions.
International Dialogue on Migration No. 28
Inclusive and Innovative Partnerships for Effective Global Governance of Migration
Two workshops were organized in New York on 26 and 27 March 2018 and in Geneva on 8 and 9 October 2018. Over 600 participants – including 83 panelists –representing governments UN agencies international organizations civil society the business sector migrant and diaspora associations and academia alike gathered to discuss and illustrate partnerships across governments agencies and communities and solutions for furthering collaboration and to present tools and initiatives in strengthening capacity development on migration. The publication presents a detailed report of the deliberations organized around six key messages which emerged from the discussions. It offers a collection of experiences best practices shared and recommendations for whole-of-government whole-of-society and United Nations system-wide coordination approaches to migration and for enhancing capacity development efforts for effective migration governance.
International Dialogue on Migration No. 27
Strengthening International Cooperation on and Governance of Migration: Towards the Adoption of a Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration in 2018
In 2017 the IDM was one of IOM’s contributions to the consultation phase of the preparatory process leading to the adoption of the global compact for safe orderly and regular migration in response to the General Assembly’s invitation in resolution 71/280 to use global processes mechanisms and processes including the IDM to contribute to the process. Two IDM global events were held on 18-19 April in New York and respectively on 18-19 July in Geneva gathering over 700 relevant migration actors to share their experiences best practices and recommendations for the elaboration of the global compact for safe orderly and regular migration. The report is organized around five themes emerged from discussions and reflects the significant convergence of views that emerged during the two dialogues. The final section brings together key recommendations made during the workshops.
International Dialogue on Migration No. 26
Follow-up and Review of Migration in the Sustainable Development Goals
This publication contains the report and complementary materials of the two workshops held in 2016 under the overarching theme “Follow-up and Review of Migration in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” within the framework of the International Dialogue on Migration (IDM) IOM’s principal forum for migration policy dialogue. The two workshops were held in New York on 29 February and 1 March and respectively in Geneva on 11 and 12 October 2016. By dedicating its major policy discussion forum to discussions on implementation follow-up and review of migration aspects of the SDGs IOM wished to open a space for IOM Member States and relevant key players in migration and development area to present strategies and measures that they are putting in place to achieve the migration-related targets including good practices challenges lessons learned and areas that need support and shared experiences.
International Dialogue on Migration No. 25
Conference on Migrants and Cities, 26–27 October 2015
This publication contains the report and supplementary materials of the Conference on Migrants and Cities which was held in Geneva Switzerland on 26 and 27 October 2015 within the framework of the International Dialogue on Migration (IDM) IOM’s principal forum for migration policy dialogue. The conference which is the second in a series of global conferences organized by IOM following the 2013 Diaspora Ministerial Conference set a new framework for the global dialogue on migration by involving all levels of migration governance and in which local authorities were the main interlocutors. The event discussed the significant link between migration and cities and affirmed the key role local authorities have in the global migration governance.
International Dialogue on Migration No. 24
Migration and Families
This publication contains the report and supplementary materials about the workshop on migration and families which was held in Geneva Switzerland on 7 and 8 October 2014 within the framework of the International Dialogue on Migration (IDM). The workshop was the second in a series of two workshops organized in 2014 under the overarching theme “Migration Human Mobility and Development: Emerging Trends and New Opportunities for Partnerships”. It focused on family migration and on the differential and challenging impact of migration on the family unit and its members and offered policymakers and practitioners an opportunity to showcase and exchange policies cooperation and partnership frameworks and lessons learned. The workshop also discussed practical solutions at the regional national and international levels to respond to the challenges that migrant families and their members are facing.
International Dialogue on Migration No. 23
South-South Migration: Partnering Strategically for Development
This publication contains the report and supplementary materials of a workshop on “South–South Migration: Partnering Strategically for Development” which was held in Geneva Switzerland on 24 and 25 March 2014 in the framework of the International Dialogue on Migration (IDM). The workshop which took place under the overarching theme of the 2014 IDM on “Migration Human Mobility and Development: Emerging Trends and New Opportunities for Partnerships” examined new migratory trends and patterns resulting from global economic demographic social and environmental changes with a focus on the dynamics of South–South flows. The workshop assessed the development opportunities and challenges posed by the new mobility trends and exchange examples of partnerships as well as to identify innovative ideas for stronger and multi-stakeholder partnerships aimed at improving the positive outcome of complex migration trends.
International Dialogue on Migration No. 22
Diasporas and Development: Bridging Societies and States
The Diaspora Ministerial Conference held on 18–19 June 2013 is a landmark in the history of the global debate on migration and development. Amid the flurry of international events leading up to the 2nd United Nations High Level Dialogue (HLD) on International Migration and Development in October 2013 the diaspora conference marks the first and only gathering of high-level politicians from all parts of the world responsible for diaspora and their engagement in the development of their countries of origin. International Organization for Migration (IOM) dedicated its International Dialogue on Migration in 2013 to the diaspora theme with the full support of its Member States and with a view to contributing a diaspora perspective to the HLD 2013 and the post-2015 sustainable development agenda. IOM was well positioned to organize such a high-level dialogue in view of the fact that it has assisted States in creating the institutions and strategies to adapt to the new realities of a transnational world.
International Dialogue on Migration No. 21
Protecting Migrants during Times of Crisis: Immediate Responses and Sustainable Strategies
This publication contains the report and supplementary materials of a workshop on 'Protecting Migrants during Times of Crisis: Immediate Responses and Sustainable Strategies' which was held in Geneva Switzerland on 13 and 14 September 2012. The workshop which took place under the overarching theme of the 2012 the 2012 IOM International Dialogue on Migration 'Managing Migration in Crisis Situations' focused on the plight of migrants who are caught up in conflicts and natural disasters in their destination countries; as well as wider repercussions for countries of origin transit and destination.
International Dialogue on Migration No. 20
Moving to Safety: Migration Consequences of Complex Crises
This publication contains the report and supplementary materials of a workshop on 'Moving to Safety: Migration Consequences of Complex Crises' which was held in Geneva Switzerland on 24 and 25 April 2012. The workshop which took place under the overarching theme of the 2012 IOM International Dialogue on Migration 'Managing Migration in Crisis Situations' examined the migratory patterns that can result from complex crises and the usefulness of migration policy tools in addressing crises; and aimed to raise awareness of the role of mobility in overcoming crises specifically the predicament of 'trapped' populations.
International Dialogue on Migration No. 19
Economic Cycles, Demographic Change and Migration
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) membership had selected “Economic Cycles Demographic Change and Migration” as the workshop topic for the 2011 International Dialogue on Migration (IDM). This issue of the IDM categorizes the experiences policies and practices highlighted by participants at the workshop into five areas for capacity-building which received particular emphasis during the course of the discussions: 1) Capacities to align migration policy with priorities in other policy domains; 2) Capacities and policy options to promote circular and temporary forms of mobility; 3) Migrant-centred approaches focussing on rights skills and human capital; 4) Knowledge data monitoring and evaluation capacities in regard to labour markets economic cycles and demographic trends; 5) Capacities to enhance cooperation and migration governance.
International Dialogue on Migration No. 18
Climate Change, Environmental Degradation and Migration
This issue of the International Dialogue on Migration (IDM) Publication Series (or “Red Book Series”) contains the report and supplementary materials of a workshop on “Climate Change Environmental Degradation and Migration”. The workshop aimed to bring together governments to exchange their experiences of and responses to the realities of environmentally-induced movements in their respective societies to discuss different dimensions of capacity-building required to manage the multifaceted impact of climate change and environmental degradation on human mobility and to exchange innovative ideas for multi-stakeholder partnerships at all stages of the migration process. This book summarizes the workshop discussions and makes proposals for future activities to take forward the conclusions of the workshop.
International Dialogue on Migration No. 17
Migration and Social Change
In 2010 the International Dialogue on Migration (IDM) was dedicated to addressing these challenges and identifying practical solutions with regard to migration and social change integration and social cohesion in the context of ever-denser communication transport and information networks. This publication is a summary of lessons learnt and effective practices that emerged from the discussions among policymakers and practitioners at two intersessional workshops held as part of the IDM on the topics of “Migration and transnationalism: Opportunities and challenges” (9 and 10 March 2010) and “Societies and identities: The multifaceted impact of migration” (19 and 20 July 2010).
International Dialogue on Migration No. 16
Human Rights and Migration: Working Together for Safe, Dignified and Secure Migration
The International Dialogue on Migration (IDM) was dedicated in 2009 to addressing these challenges and identifying practical solutions with a view to giving effect to the human rights of migrants at all stages of the migration process. A summary follows of the general conclusions which emerged from the discussions and exchanges between policymakers and practitioners at two intersessional workshops held as part of the IDM “Effective Respect for the Human Rights of Migrants: A Shared Responsibility” (25-26 March 2009) and “Trafficking in Persons and Exploitation of Migrants: Ensuring the Protection of Human Rights” (9-10 July 2009).