Contribution to the “Space2030” Agenda

EU Space -Supporting a World of 8 Billion People

image of Contribution to the “Space2030” Agenda


This report has been prepared following the Day of 8 Billion, designated by the United Nations as the day when the world population reached 8 billion people, to showcase how space technologies and its synergies can help to tackle the challenges of the world increasing population and complex societies while ensuring sustainable development and bolster resilience, leveraging the guidance of the “Space2030” Agenda and supporting the implementation of the global agendas. The present report has been conceived within the cooperation agreement signed between UNOOSA and EUSPA with the goal of promoting how the use of space technology, data and services can contribute to achieving sustainable development in the context of an 8 billion world, and how the “Space2030” Agenda establishes the priorities of Member States for the space community.

الموضوعات ذات الصلة: Outer Space ; Population and Demography


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