The correspondence table shows where categories and subcategories of violent acts in the ICVAC and crimes in the ICCS correspond and where they do not. It is important to note that correspondence does not systematically mean identical definition of the category or sub-category or correspondence of inclusion and exclusion lists. It is also important to note that the ICVAC and ICCS have different hierarchical levels (two and four, respectively). The correspondence in the table is shown at the highest level of the ICCS, but lower levels should also be considered as corresponding. For instance, 103 ICVAC (non-intentional homicide of a child) corresponds to 0103 ICCS (non-intentional homicide), meaning that all lower categories under 0103 are part of that correspondence (i.e., 01031 non-negligent manslaughter and 01032 negligent manslaughter, as well as 010321 vehicular homicide and 010322 non-vehicular homicide).

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