Analysis of recent trends, 1945-52

- Auteur: Commission économique pour l'Amérique latine et les Caraibes
- Main Title: Economic Survey of Latin America 1951-1952 , pp 7-35
- Date de Publication : décembre 1952
- DOI:
- Language: Anglais
The repercussions of a series of favourable factors which had raised Latin America’s gross product to more than 40,000 million dollars at 1950 prices were still felt throughout the region in 1952, though with a declining intensity. One of the most important of these factors was the improvement in the terms of trade. Between 1945 and 1952, this improvement involved the appreciable sum of 21,000 million dollars, that is to say, about 8.3 per cent of the aggregate gross product of the area for the whole seven-year period.
© United Nations
Book DOI:
Related Subject(s):
Développement économique et social
Sustainable Development Goals:
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