Explanatory note on documents
- Autor: United Nations
- Main Title: Yearbook of the United Nations 1974 , pp xiv-xiv
- Fecha de la publicación: diciembre 1974
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18356/9789210601955c003
- Language: Inglés
To assist readers who wish to make a more detailed study of subjects discussed in Part One of this Yearbook of the United Nations, documentary references are provided at the end of each chapter and sub-chapter. These references give the symbols and titles of documents of the principal organs of the United Nations dealing with the subject concerned, records of voting and texts of adopted resolutions. Also listed are the numbers of the meetings of the various organs at which the subject dealt with was discussed. These meeting numbers indicate the relevant discussion records.
© 1977 United Nations
Book DOI:
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