
- Autor: World Meteorological Organization
- Main Title: State of Global Water Resources 2022 , pp 10-11
- Fecha de la publicación: octubre 2023
- DOI:
- Language: Inglés
This chapter presents anomalies in the water inflow into a selection of reservoirs around the globe in the year 2022. The inflow data were obtained from three sources that comprise satellite-based and GHMS products, namely the Wflow_sbm, CaMa-Flood with Dam and WWH models. All available reservoirs from these sources were included for analysis and were identified by their GRanD id. Daily inflows into the selected GRanD reservoirs were computed from the three models for the historical period between 1991 and 2020 and for the year 2022, and the 2022 inflows were ranked against the historical period following the same method as for river discharge (refer to Box 1 for details). Water inflow into the reservoirs was selected as an indicator due to its lower dependency on water resources management strategies, such as reservoir operations. The size of the dots corresponds to the maximum storage volume of the reservoirs. The observed monthly reservoir surface area anomalies in the year 2022 are presented in Figure A7 of Annex 1.
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