Sustainable Hydrogen Production Pathways in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia

Hydrogen is much talked about as an innovative solution to attain carbon neutrality and decarbonize hard-to-abate sectors. The UNECE project on sustainable hydrogen production pathways in CIS countries mobilizes policymakers and experts from the project beneficiary countries for an inclusive and transparent dialogue to advance sustainable hydrogen on agenda, raise awareness and discuss what does it take to jumpstart a hydrogen economy in Central Asia. According to this study, the potential production of low carbon hydrogen, in all considered countries, is about 3.4-13.2 Mt of hydrogen annually by 2040. The potential production varies widely within each country, reflecting uncertainties under both the minimum and maximum scenarios. The potential production values are determined by the presence of own reserves of natural gas and by the pace of renewable energy development. These elements are most present in the group of Caspian countries exporting natural gas (Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan) and in the group of Central Asian countries actively reforming their economies towards low-carbon development (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan).