حالة سكان العالم 2021
جسدي ملكٌ لي وحدي - المطالبة بالحقّ في الاستقلال الذاتي وتقرير المصير

The report will look into the social, institutional, economic and legal forces that determine how much power a woman has over her body and to make her own choices, the extent to which she has access to quality, non-discriminatory information and services, and how gender inequality underpins all of these. The report will also analyze retrospective data to measure bodily autonomy for girls and draw on case studies on bodily autonomy among marginalized groups: LGBTIQ+, indigenous and disability communities. The report also reveals how serious many of the shortfalls in bodily autonomy are; many have worsened under the pressures of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. Right now, for instance, record numbers of women and girls are at risk of gender-based violence and harmful practices such as early marriage.